Monday, June 30, 2008

Thing 5, Week 3

This photo "Lightning Over Winter Springs" reminds me of the lightning I saw after seeing Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban. We got out of the movie theater around 230am and a fantastic lightning storm, no rain, was overhead. Unfortunately I was driving and could not watch the display. Next time we either stay put or someone else drives! I have a few collections of photographs in my house and lightning is my favorite. Now, I don't have to wait for the next art show to find new pictures to enjoy!

Thing 4, Week 2

Registering this blog site and considering making one for the family - daughter in Utah, son in Marines (currently in Oklahoma, then Hawaii, then overseas again). It may make it easier to keep everyone in touch with each other. ?

Thing 3, Week 2

Did not like having to restrict the background. I am going to search and see if I can find one with a baseball field/stadium or northern lights. My dream is to get back north to see them again - I have seen them twice so far. I am getting better about figuring out Blogger, I want to start one for my library about favorite books and see what happens this year.

Thing 2, Week 1

I enjoyed the 7 1/2 lifelong learners video. The easiest habit for me is playing! I am now parenting my almost 2 yr old granddaughter and I want to enjoy my summer time with her so I am looking at different resources for appropriate activities to do with her. The hardest habit I have is responsibility - I start well, lurch along in spurts of activity and inactivity then hopefully finish if other parts of my life have not fallen apart and keep me from prioritizing correctly what I need to do. But, I need to be an example one more time for a little one in my life and that should help. (I respond well to outside motivators)

Thing 1, Week 1

This set of activities looks interesting. I have not spent much time on the computer exploring for the last year, my computer at home is having issues connecting - one day I'll upgrade from obsolete os. Luckily this summer I can go to my library and do what I want.